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Regina’s Life Lesson #22: Over Prepare, Then go with the Flow

Between now and October our employees, volunteers and clients will share some of their thoughts and reflections on Regina Brett’s life lessons. Don’t forget, Regina will be our guest speaker at our annual tribute dinner on October 13. Today, board member Laura Lefever and program director Gail Hamm share their thoughts on “over preparing and then going with the flow.”

Laura Lefever, board member

“I’m often accused of this by the laid back people in my life. My take on this – I don’t want to miss my next opportunity. Over preparing allows me the luxury of being ready to catch life’s next pitch!”

~ Laura Lefever, board member

“Cancer Services is so very fortunate to have wonderful, giving volunteers to drive clients to and from treatment when those clients have no other means of transportation available. These volunteers, more than any others, have to go with the flow. In spite of the best planning sometimes things go awry. There are instances when the machine goes down, meaning that the whole radiation schedule has to be changed and the patients rescheduled. Then there are the times when in spite of the fact that a patient wants and needs to have a treatment, that person is just too ill to receive treatment on that day and at that time. We have one volunteer who recently had the most unusual experiences with a variety of clients. His schedule had to be constantly revised and he had to make innumerable calls to the coordinator to alter plans. When everything settled down to nearly normal, the volunteer coordinator checked in with him. His response? He just shrugged and said, ‘I’ve been a trucker, nothing bothers me.’ He just goes with the flow…A great example of a dedicated Cancer Services’ volunteer!”

~Program Director Gail Hamm