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Regina’s Life Lesson #30: Give Time Time

The big night is almost here. We are just a few weeks away from this year’s tribute dinner where guest speaker Regina Brett will share her 50 life lessons to navigate life’s detours. Tickets for the tribute dinner may now be purchased online by clicking here.

Along with crossing off each day of the calendar until we reach October 13, several board members, volunteers and the staff of Cancer Services will share their thoughts and reflections on Regina’s life lessons. Board member, Sharon Simmons, offers her insight on how time once healed her.

“I will never forget the feelings I had as I completed my treatment for breast cancer. I was so overwhelmed by the process. Facing up to the reality of my humanity was humbling and daunting. Before I left the oncologist’s office on that last day of active treatment, I remember asking him if I would ever feel “safe” again. His advice was short and prophetic. ‘Take your time; each day is a gift.’

“Now eighteen years past my diagnosis, I can honestly say, time has not only healed my body, but also healed my heart and mind. As anyone who has survived a life altering experience — be it cancer or some other event – knows, long after the physical scars have healed, the heart and mind still struggle to find that ‘new normal’ that everyone talks about.

Time gave me the opportunity to let that different and forever altered part of me grow in directions I never dreamed possible. Embracing the depth of my feelings, my heart is happy to focus on those still in the midst of their cancer journey. I have joined a huge sorority almost three million members strong and time has given me the ability to reach out to those who need the reassurance that there is life after cancer and each and every day is a good day.

So, Dr Gates, I thank you for your wisdom in advising me to take time and to value each day and experience for its uniqueness. Time gives me perspective and life is good!”

~ Sharon Simmons, board member