by Cheryl Dafforn, volunteer coordinator

Our Volunteer Receptionists: back (L-R) Cheryl Milligan, Donna Kaiser, Susan Terfler, Marianne Platt, Courtney Haslup, Gayle Smith; front (L-R) Hermine van Nuis, Stephanie Beck, Nanci Gilbert
Each day we have volunteers who come in to help us at the reception area. On Wednesday, August 17, all nine of our faithful and dedicated volunteer receptionists gathered together to meet one another.
It was marvelous to see ALL of them gathered together and sharing ideas with each other on things they have found helpful and talk about some of the challenges they face. They shared with each other why they are committed to Cancer Services and brainstormed ways to enhance our services to clients. These are by far the most amazing individuals you will ever meet, and I am proud to have them as part of our Cancer Services Team!